Watch Dogs QR code locations

This map shows the locations of all 16 QR Codes that are scattered all over Chicago in Watch Dogs. After completing this, you should  get the "Read Only" Achievement and the "Gangster Assault Rifle". Also, if you scan these codes using your phone you'll get a secret message.

  1. The code is found on top of the Food & Liquor building near an intersection. Head down the street to the south of the code and hack a low hanging camera just above two garage doors. Turn the camera to the north and scan the code.
  2. This one is just a short distance to the north from the first. When approaching the code from the south, you'll see it on the right hand side next to a For Rent sign. Turn down the alley to the left before you reach the QR code. You'll find the camera on the corner of a historical looking building on the left side of the alley.
  3. This one requires a boat. Head to the west end of The Wards, near the dam on your map. You'll see the code if you look from west to east. Look for a camera posted on the dam, hack it and you can scan the code.
  4. The QR code that you're looking for faces west, so approach from the east and stop before you get to the gun store. If you pass the gun store you've gone too far. The camera you need to hack is located on the south side of the road, high up on what looks like an old apartment building. Hack and face it to the east to scan the code.
  5. This one is located on the southwest end of the bridge on the large Tidis building. Move to the east end of the bridge and hack the camera on the corner of the building. Use the camera to scan the QR code.
  6. You'll find this code on the side of the building with the Safe Energy Saves You Money billboard. Head to the gas station to the northeast of the building, hacking a camera sitting on a light pole. Scan the code to hear the audio log.
  7. Head to the nearby train platform and go up top. The station is to the east of the QR code which sits to the side of another Tidis building. While standing on the west stairs leading up to the platform, hack a camera that sits on the corner of the building. Doing this will allow you to scan the QR code.
  8. When you reach the location of the QR code, head to the east, past two buildings. You'll find the camera you need to hack sitting on the corner of a building, Scan the code.
  9. Head below the train platform that is just barely to the east of the QR code. Head to the north stairs that lead to the platform but don't go up these steps. You'll find the camera you need to hack on the wall to the east, then scan the code.
  10. In order to find the camera you need to hack, go below the freeway, finding yourself on the northwest shore where the three rivers meet. The camera is under the freeway. Hack it and aim it back toward the southeast. You'll find the QR code under the freeway.
  11. Head to the train platform to the southwest of the QR code. Wait for the trains to pass, then jump up on the tracks and head to the northeast, following the bend to a platform off the right side. Hop up on top of the platform, then hack the camera high up on the wall. Point the camera north to find the QR code.
  12. This code is smack dab in the middle of a four-way intersection of an alley. When you get to the center of the alley, head down the northeast wing of the alley, hack the camera on the wall, then scan the QR code.
  13. You want to head to the east of where the code is actually located. You will find the camera you need to hack far up on the wall of a building, across the street east of the Chicago Water Tower. Two cameras sit nearby and it's easy to hack the wrong one. You'll know you have the right one when the code pieces together to the west.
  14. This code is extremely close to one of your fast travel points. Head to the area and into a parking lot where you will find a garage door you can hack. Hack the camera above the door on the building to the right to scan the QR code.
  15. You need to be on the west of the code and across the street. Find a camera high up on a wall, point it to the east and find the QR code to the right of a billboard with a car on it.
  16. This is the only code in Pawnee, so it won't be hard to find. Head for the broken bridge and drive onto it. Hack a camera on a light pole and then look toward the billboard. Scan your final QR code.

Hope this helped >_<



minecraft tip #6 PVP Tricks

PVP (Player VS Player) is a way of how Players test their skill with other Players in Minecraft, not only their Building skills but also their Combat skills. When a Player is playing PVP with another Player, there are a few tricks that you need to know that would make you Win easily. (Note: Some of these tricks may require some practice to implement it perfectly on the Battleground. Youtuber OMGChad made a short video about these tricks. Don't forget to subscribe to him


Minecraft tip #5 Secret entities

Use these Commands to summon secret Mobs/Entities that you will never find anywhere in Minecraft

  • Tamed Zombie Horse
/summon EntityHorse ~ ~ ~ (Type:3)

  • Tamed Skeleton Horse
/summon EntityHorse ~ ~ ~ (Type:4)

  • Giant Zombie
/summon Giant

  •  The Killer Bunny (spawning this mob in survival is dangerous so spawn it at your own risk)
/summon Rabbit ~ ~ ~ {RabbitType:99}

Hope you enjoyed :-)