Minecraft Tip #4 secrets

Here are some things you might/might not know about Minecraft

  1. You can flip animals upside-down by naming them "dinnerbone" or "grumm"
  2. Zombies and Skeletons don't burn on soulsand
  3. You can make lava and water stream together by placing either one 1 block higher than the other
  4. Cactus can destroy items
  5. There is 1 in a 10.000 chance that the title screen will say "Minceraft" instead of "Minecraft"
  6. You can place paintings over doors and walk through them
  7. You can make sheeps change their colors constantly by naming them "jeb_" (must have the underscore)
  8. You cannot see a players name through a chest even if they are not crouching
  9. A creeper's body model is actually a glitched version of a pig's body model. But because Notch liked the look of it, he gave it a green color and a creepy sound, thus the famous creeper was born.
  10. In an unused area for the zombie pig man texture, the words "THX XAPHOBIA" can be seen. This was written by Notch to give credits and thanks to the original creator of the texture, XaPhobia.